Professor Guibourg Delamotte of Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO) will be delivering a talk on Japanese diplomacy and the power of influence as part of the newly inaugurated INALCO-Cambridge exchange scheme.

About the speaker:

A French and Australian dual citizen, Guibourg Delamotte is a tenured Full-Professor of Political Science at the Japanese studies department of the French Institute of Oriental Studies (Inalco), which she presently heads. She is a Research Fellow with the French Research Institute on East Asia (Inalco/CNRS) and invited on a regular basis by the University of Tokyo’s Research Centre for Advanced Science and Technology and Tokyo College. She works on Japan’s foreign and security policies, and Japanese domestic politics. She most recently published Le Japon, un leader discret (Eyrolles, 2023), La Démocratie au Japon, singulière et universelle (ENS Ed., 2022), and coedited (with J. Brown and R. Dujarric) The Abe Legacy. How Japan has been shaped by Abe Shinzô, Lexington, 2021 and Géopolitique et géoéconomie du monde contemporain. Conflits et puissances (with C. Tellenne), La Découverte, 2021.


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