Public Panel 4 – The United Kingdom in the Indo-Pacific

The United Kingdom has historically played an influential role in the Indo-Pacific, initially via colonization and more recently through bilateral security agreements and trade. However, as leadership in the United Kingdom exchanges hands from one political party to another, which could again happen later this year, policies toward the Indo-Pacific also undergo transition. This exciting panel will bring together voices from Parliament and academia to understand the United Kingdom’s current role in the region and how the United Kingdom should amend its role to increase its impact and support the Indo-Pacific in achieving key strategic goals. Join us to understand how the United Kingdom—and perhaps you—can and do influence the Indo-Pacific.

  • Mark Logan, Member of Parliament 
  • Catherine Jones, University of St. Andrews 
  • Winnie King, University of Bristol 
  • Moderated by: William Hurst, University of Cambridge 


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