Part of the Cambridge seminar series on the future of the island of Ireland, co-hosted by Sidney Sussex College and the Centre for Geopolitics, University of Cambridge.

Tony Connelly is Europe Editor for RTÉ, Ireland’s public broadcaster. Tony has reported extensively on Brexit, and has been covering EU and European affairs since 2001. He has also reported on conflicts in Africa, the Caucuses, the Balkans and the Middle East.

He is the recipient of two ESB National Media awards, a European Journalism Award and a New York Festivals radio award. Tony is the author of Brexit and Ireland, nominated Irish non-fiction book of the year in 2018, and Don’t Mention the Wars: A Journey Through European Stereotypes, published in 2014.

Tony will be in conversation with Catherine Barnard FBA, FLSW, FRSA, Professor of EU law and Employment Law and Fellow of Trinity College. She is the author of EU Employment Law (2012), The Substantive Law of the EU: The Four Freedoms, (2019), and (with Peers ed), European Union Law (2020) . She is a member of the European Commission-funded European Labour Law Network (ELLN) as well as the Deputy Director of the UK in a Changing Europe project. This is an authoritative, non-partisan think tank which does research and provides accessible information about all aspects of Brexit. She has appeared on the main media channels as well as some of the more specialist programmes such as Law in Action, Woman’s Hour and Question Time. She has also written for the Guardian and the Telegraph. She has given evidence to numerous select committees on the legal issues connected with Brexit, immigration and the European Union (Withdrawal) Act. She has her own podcast, 2903cb, and blog on the topic of Brexit.

The conversation will be followed by Q&A.



Witness to the Union: Lord Jack McConnell

Borders, Peace building

Witness to the Union: Baroness Arlene Foster