The Military History Working Group, established last term by the Centre for Geopolitics, will continue meeting in Lent Term in the Engelsberg Room in Fitzwilliam House (Mondays at 4pm). The group brings together Cambridge-based scholars working on the history of war and the military to discuss each other’s work and approaches. Convened by Eamonn O’Keeffe, the National Army Museum Junior Research Fellow at Queens’ College, it is ecumenical in terms of chronology, discipline, and scope. This term our speakers will discuss 18th Century British grand strategy, black soldiers in the Caribbean, and 20th Century military affairs from aerial bombing and mutinies in Africa and the Middle East. The group will also visit the Churchill Archive Centre to learn more about their collections, which include the papers of Sir Winston Churchill and Field Marshal Slim.

The group encourages papers and participation from students, early career researchers, and faculty members. Members of the public are also welcome; please write to Eamonn O’Keeffe ( to indicate your interest in attending.

At this meeting:

Italo Brandimarte – Aerial Experiences of Empire in the Abyssinian War



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Global Germany

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Global Germany

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The Geopolitics of Eurovision

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The Geopolitics of Eurovision