How will AI shape democratic elections? Can we rely on tech companies to ensure that democracy is not undermined? What is the role of governments in ensuring the electoral process is not interfered with? How will AI-generated disinformation affect the 64+ elections occurring worldwide this year? 

In this exciting panel event, the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence and the Centre for Geopolitics are joining forces to examine how new technological advancements are affecting democracy. This interdisciplinary event asks how geopolitics shapes the development of AI and how AI at the same time is shaping domestic politics and international relations.

The panelists are: 

Dr Nahema Marchal, Socio-Technical Research Scientist at Google DeepMind and a member of the Ethics and Society Team; previously Oxford Internet Institute (OII) on the Computational Propaganda project.  

Professor Ciaran Martin, Professor of Practice in the Management of Public Organisations at the Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford, and formerly founding CEO of the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre. 

Anita Williams, Trust & Safety Engagement Manager at the Google Safety Engineering Center. 

Mary Hockaday, Master of Trinity Hall and former Director of BBC World Service.

This event will be chaired by: 

Suzanne Raine, joint leader of the Global Geopolitics Research Strand at the Centre for Geopolitics; formerly served 24 years in the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office. 

This event will be followed by a drinks reception.



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