Southeast Asia is the most diverse sub-region of the Indo-Pacific, encompassing more than 650 Million people (roughly 50% more than the EU), spread across 11 counties of wildly different sizes, populations, and levels of GDP.

There are also at least a dozen major languages widely spoken, religions from Buddhism, to Islam, Christianity, and secularism predominate in particular countries and regions, and the political systems represented range from absolute monarchies, to military juntas, Leninist Communist Party regimes, more or less liberal multiparty democracies, wat some have called ‘electoral authoritarian’ systems, and more.  We focus on specific countries and issues, as well as on broader dynamics that cut across the region.


In the press

Andrew Peach show on LBC News

Tuesday 30th April, 2024

Andrew Peach show on LBC News

Prof. William Hurst is interviewed by Andrew Peach on LBC News about Chinese Coastguard vessels using water cannon on Philippine patrol boats. The six-minute interview appears about 1hr 48mins into the programme.


Southeast Asia between the Superpowers: Who is where and why?

In the press

Chinese sea attacks on US ally risk bigger confrontation

Monday 1st April, 2024

Chinese sea attacks on US ally risk bigger confrontation

Prof. William Hurst offers his analysis of rising tensions between China and the Philippines, and their potential security and defence implications for the wider region. He contributes to this package on “The World” which was put out by NPR.


Populism in the Indo-Pacific

Wednesday 15th November, 2023

Populism in the Indo-Pacific

Event Review

Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)

Event Review

All at Sea? Testing the UK’s resolve in the Pacific region


Timor-Leste and ASEAN: International politics and geopolitics


Authoritarian diasporas in the Philippines and Indonesia

Culture, Economics, History

Republicanism, Communism, Islam: Cosmopolitan Origins of Revolution in Southeast Asia