On 8 March in Riga, Latvia, the Baltic Geopolitics Programme, of the Centre for Geopolitics, in cooperation with the University of Latvia and the British Embassy in Riga, will hold an international Symposium ‘Ukraine and the Baltic: the past, the present, and the future’. Scholars and practitioners of international relations from Britain, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia will share their insights on the diverging and converging paths in Ukrainian-Baltic relations, including in the period before 1990, as well as discuss the common issues of geopolitics of memory and memory of geopolitics. The highlight of the event will be a substantial discussion of the 2014 and 2022 crises by Baltic (ex)foreign ministers and diplomats who were witnessing them directly in Kyiv and Moscow. Participation is by invitation only.

Watch the event  videos:

Panel 1: Ukraine and the Baltic before 1991

Panel 2: Euromaidan 2014 and the Baltic – Diplomatic Roundtable

Panel 3: The 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine and Baltic-Ukrainian relations

Panel 4: Geopolitics of memory and memory of geopolitics



Diplomacy, Military, Security

Zeitenwende: The changing role of Germany in the Baltic

Borders, Diplomacy, History

Baltic Geopolitics Summer School 2024: Great power competition and the national state of Lithuania

Military, Peace building

On the road to NATO Washington Summit

Tuesday 18th June, 2024

On the road to NATO Washington Summit