Former President of the European Parliament, Pat Cox, will discuss the ongoing war in Ukraine and the future of the EU from an Irish perspective.

Speaker biography

Pat Cox is an Irish politician, journalist, presenter, and former President of the European Parliament (2002-2004). His political career has seen him serve as both an MEP for Munster and a TD for Cork South-Central (Fianna Fáil). In the EU Parliament, Cox also served as President of the ELDR group 1998-2001, becoming the first Irish politician to lead a political group in the Parliament. In 2004 he was awarded Germany’s prestigious Charlemagne Prize for his achievements with regard to the enlargement of the EU and his work on promoting greater EU democratisation.

Cox is currently involved in various European institutions, including the IIEA, the Jean Monnet Foundation for European and the European Investment Bank.


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Tuesday 18th June, 2024

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