Denmark has historically been at the centre of Baltic security, controlling access to the Baltic Sea through the Danish straits. Today, Denmark remains one of the key players in the security of the Baltic region in the new era of geopolitical uncertainty. In March 2022, Denmark deployed around 200 soldiers as a part NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence in Estonia, and it is a constant participant in NATO military exercises in the region. Finnish and Swedish NATO membership provides Denmark with new opportunities for stronger Nordic security cooperation, including common exercises and defense plans. Denmark’s latest foreign and security policy strategy recognizes the strategic importance of the Baltic Sea region, as well as Denmark’s special responsibility for its security. Denmark is also actively participating in the international fight against cyber threats and is working on the offensive cyber capacity as part of its defensive cyber arsenal. On the energy front, Denmark ranks highest in the EU in energy security performance assessments, owing to its reduced reliance on energy imports and its domestic energy production based on renewables. This event brings together the leading scholars and practitioners of international relations to discuss the changing role of Denmark in Baltic security in both its conventional and energy dimensions.

Panel 1: Energy security

  • Chair: David Cairns
  • Izabela Surwillo, Danish Institute for International StudiesKatja Yafimava, The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
  • Christian Bueger, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen

Panel 2: Hard security challenges in the Baltic after 2022

  • Chair: Rt Hon Charles Clarke
  • Dr Jørgen Staun, Royal Danish Defence College
  • Dr Kristian Søby Kristensen, University of Copenhagen



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